
Deaths from accidents show a general falling trend across the Nordic countries.
Note: ICD-10: V01-X59. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average
Note: ICD-10: V01-X59. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average

Deaths from falls

Falls, and complications following from falls, are a significant subgroup of deaths from accidents, especially among the elderly. Due to variations in coding practice between countries, the most comparable way of looking at this is by including unspecified accidents. Experience shows that similar cases would be coded as falls in some countries, and unspecified accidents in other countries.

Note: ICD-10: W00-W19, X59. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average
Note: ICD-10: W00-W19, X59. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average
Note: ICD-10: W00-W19, X59. Finland: 85-89 = 85+. Iceland: Rolling five-year average (2004 = average 2000-2004)
Note: ICD-10: W00-W19, X59. Finland: 85-89 = 85+. Iceland: Rolling five-year average (2004 = average 2000-2004)

Deaths from land transport accidents

Land transport accidents is a still significant cause of death, but has shown a clearly falling trend over recent decades.

Note: ICD-10: V01-V89. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average
Note: ICD-10: V01-V89. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average